
In Production : WEBB
 Welcome To Shadybrook
When I am gone , my hope is that my legacy will be this particular project . It has seen , and suffered all that life has to offer , initiated in 1996 and shelved until 2014 - it is the single most important artistic statement of my life . I have been gifted another opportunity to bring it to fulfillment , and that is my singular intent .

Ongoing Projects : Snarky The Elf
 Snarky the Elf
A personal , pet project - born out of fear , necessity and snarkiness . . . I have no idea where any of these tales might lead , less how they might find realization . Snarky The Elf is my expression of hope . This particular link takes you to the Snarky The Elf website , a self maintained entity that exists simply because I exist . I don't charge for the work I am able to devote to her . She is THAT important to me .

Featured Projects : Varied
 New Work !

The life of a freelance artist is one of never knowing what the future will bring , or if there really IS a future . 
These " featured projects " are those random gifts that allow you to continue working when all other avenues fail .

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